Manifestation of stress in human behavior
The term "stress" has been known since the second half of the 1920s. It was first used by Hans Selye (1907-1982), a student at the German University in Prague, originally from Komarno. He noticed that various negative stimuli cause similar "stress" reactions.
A stressor is a stimulus that causes a stressful reaction. It can be any complex change both inside and outside the body. This reduces the subjective ability to control various areas, including a person's facial expression and posture. The first definitions of conditions that can be considered as the effects of stress were given in ancient China.
In ancient times, a person could react to a possible danger only by fighting or fleeing. Both reactions required physical performance.
"Stress doesn't have to be harmful,— Hans Selye said. It is also the spice of life, because every movement of the mind and every activity causes stress. The same stress that makes one person sick can mean life-giving healing for another. Getting rid of stress completely means death."
A slight tremor can cause optimal performance, but within the framework of significant stress, this is already a performance-blocking tremor.
Acute stress is sometimes seen as a shock. For example, more people die on the roads as a result of shock than from their own injuries.
Post-traumatic stress reactions can be complex. The condition is caused by prolonged stress.
Typical manifestations are anxiety, depression, irritability, decreased self—confidence, anxiety about the future.
How the body reacts to stress:
As if it was struck by thunder
The frightening reflex is an innate unconditional reflex. Mother Nature gave it to us as a reminder and a form of reaction to an unexpected, unusual stimulus. Most often to manage a sudden short-term danger. This reflex allows you to immediately focus on a new direction. It increases the sensitivity of the body and thereby protects it, because it allows it to know what is happening inside and outside.
The reflex of fright (according to Keleman S.: Anatomy of emotions: Structures of human experience, Prague, Portal, 2005) causes a change in muscles and posture. This is manifested by a change in the shape of the diaphragm, strengthening and subsequent weakening of the body walls, a violation of the balance of the body, a change in feelings, emotions and thinking.
According to the mentioned author, the fright reflex has six stages:
• search and vigilance
• tension and resentment
• stiffness, resistance, fear
• spasms
• retreat and submission
• collapse, resignation
The body straightens up and stiffens with fright. He is ready for the classic "ancient" reaction to stress: fight or run. Muscle tone increases, especially in the upper part of the body. The thoracic cavity expands, while the pelvic and abdominal cavities contract. If it is not possible to cope with the stress reaction, the chest narrows (falls).
He was petrified with horror
The saying describes a condition called the Moore reflex. This is an acute type of fright reflex, it is often found in newborns. When a child feels that he is falling or losing his balance, he spreads his arms and legs symmetrically. The Moore reflex is short-lived, all children have it at birth, and a large percentage of them retain it at six weeks of age. The reflex is accompanied by crying, gradually weakens and can completely disappear within four months. This encourages parents to be more careful and gentle when handling babies.
Something similar can happen in an adult in extreme conditions. It's about the stiffness of the whole body. Metabolism slows down. Muscles and all body cavities contract immediately. The position of the chest corresponds to the exhalation. Fainting is possible.
It's like he swallowed a ruler
The proverb describes the so-called rigid posture. This is associated with aggression, dominance, but sometimes with overcoming anxiety.
He pouted like a pigeon on a dome
This is one of the manifestations of an attempt to escape from reality. This is due to the so-called insult. It also means an inability to communicate adequately with the environment and an unwillingness to accept requests and calls from others.
He plunged into himself
The person is submerged in himself without a murmur. The muscles are weakened, "as if they can't stand it." His back is hunched, his gaze is fixed on the ground. Self-confidence is at zero. If you are looking for gambling entertainment, then take advantage of Vavada Casino No Deposit Bonus for registration. Each new player can get 100 free spins no deposit.